Writing 101: Poetry- Day 1

I have taken up the Writing 101 Poem a day challenge for myself.
I wouldn’t say I am a very good writer, and I’m definitely a lousy poet, but as I’m new to blogging I thought I would give it a go anyway. The chances are all my poems will be humorous Limericks as any attempt at anything more serious would no-doubt end in tears.
Each day I am emailled a word to use as the basis of the poem for the day and that will be my guiding feature.

Day 1 – Magic

The Banker was feeling nostalgic,
Remembers how he used to do magic,
Enthusiasm he lacked,
So he gave up his act,
Isn’t his story just tragic?

*Image Source: John Andrew Couch [http://www.johnandrewcouch.com/]

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